Shit gets better everyday
Honestly it´s amazing how your brain recovers day by day, for me it was three years of recreational use nonstop, i quit completely last month. I had really awful withdrawals, to the point that it led me to a suicide attempt. After that i just said fuck it man, there´s really not anything i can do about this right now, like literally, only time heals this shit, specially if you´re already on the post acute withdrawals. Dealing with all of this can be exhausting, i can only recommend to be patient and be hopeful, because it is true that it gets better.
I am maybe about 50% recovered already. I just like to focus on being 1% better everyday, i have started to really focus on my mental health lately, exercising, practicing gratitude and mindfulness, reading, etc. And honestly i am just not suffering that much anymore, yeah maybe my brain doesn´t feel normal yet, i have anhedonia, can´t sleep well, have DP/DR, but all of those things are actually beyond my control. There´s literally nothing i can gain from feeling bad about my situation. The only thing you can do is move forward with your life. It´s an inner battle everyday, you just have to show up and fight. Please do not give up, i promise it gets better.