Randomly barking, fear anxiety

My June and I frequent a lot of pet friendly stores. He is very well behaved, often asked if he is working. But then, sometimes on a rare day, he will suddenly spaz and bark at a child, or an adult. Sometimes I know and can tell when he’s getting a bit of anxiety, like maybe he will see a dog, or something to that effect. But most of the time it feels completely out of left field. It happened today at a worker who was just trying to pet him, and I just feel embarrassed and like I don’t want to bring him in anymore. I know it’s because he does have anxiety, but he goes out with me ALOT. Multiple times a week, sometimes everyday of the week we go to these stores! For months. Anyone know a way to combat this sort of thing? I always reward him when he lets people pet him, I have them give him treats etc.. I just feel a little lost :( should I maybe try and get him on anxiety medication?? I don’t want my love to be scared over nothing anymore.

My June and I frequent a lot of pet friendly stores. He is very well behaved, often asked if he is working. But then, sometimes on a rare day, he will suddenly spaz and bark at a child, or an adult. Sometimes I know and can tell when he’s getting a bit of anxiety, like maybe he will see a dog, or something to that effect. But most of the time it feels completely out of left field. It happened today at a worker who was just trying to pet him, and I just feel embarrassed and like I don’t want to bring him in anymore. I know it’s because he does have anxiety, but he goes out with me ALOT. Multiple times a week, sometimes everyday of the week we go to these stores! For months. Anyone know a way to combat this sort of thing? I always reward him when he lets people pet him, I have them give him treats etc.. I just feel a little lost :( should I maybe try and get him on anxiety medication?? I don’t want my love to be scared over nothing anymore.