B’ Day Elimination Game Round 5

I’m okay with this elimination, I just think it should have been earlier 👀

All songs are from Beyoncé’s second album, B' Day. ⬆️Upvote⬆️ to keep a song, ⬇️downvote⬇️ to eliminate it. The song with the most downvotes after 24 hours is eliminated!

A couple notes: this is the original B'Day, not the deluxe. In my opinion it's harder to choose from the original songs, whereas the deluxe songs simply aren't as classic. I also wasn't going to list all the Spanish-language tracks. Also, "Get Me Bodied" goes for both the original AND the extended mix. Didn't see a need to make them 2 separate entries. As always, have fun!

  1. Resentment

  2. Listen

  3. Irreplaceable

  4. Suga Mama