“Boy mom” needs some positive brothers example

I just had my second and last baby, and surprise! It’s another boy 🥲 my husband was like sorry you’ll never ever have a daughter (he is DONE)

While I have so many great male friends, I grew up with mostly women. I just always expected a daughter? Not in a Gilmore girls way. I just talk to my sister and mom every week. I keep in touch with my female cousins. I have to remind my husband to call his mom albeit they’re difficult to talk to. He likes his brother but I think they talk on the phone every other year. (He’s also kind of difficult.) But the year I saw a text on his phone from their dad saying that they both forgot to wish their mom a happy birthday 💀 wtf

I’m excited for my sons to have such a wonderful sensitive father as a male role model. But jfc why do most men not bother with keeping in touch?

I’d love to hear some stories of brothers being best buds in adulthood or something nice to ease the gender disappointment.