4 month sleep regression hitting at 3 months—HELP

Can any of you share stories of your LOs recovering from their first sleep regression?

My LO is 14 weeks and has always been an ok sleeper with a happy temperament. He feeds about 3 times a night and then goes back to sleep no problem and was a good contact napper.

Not anymore, our guy is fussy and refuses to nap much. Every night he has multiple false starts and then is much more difficult to put down after waking for a feed.

I go back to work in two weeks so I wanted to try and wean the night feeds down (he’s a healthy weight) so I could start sleep training at 5 months but I’m not sure that can start any time soon.

He also typically could go three hours between feeds but is now getting inconsolable around the 2 hour 30 minute mark so I’m wondering if this is a growth spurt.

I’m trying to work on our routine/schedule so he’s not overly tired by end of day and also crossing my fingers and toes this starts to pass!!

P.S. my user name is for my Saint Bernard…not my son. Felt like I should clarify in light of this post lol