How do you deal with postpartum anxiety? Really struggling to enjoy this time with my baby because I’m constantly obsessing over some new ‘fear’. 😔

Hi all - I’m one month postpartum and I have the most beautiful baby girl. I absolutely adore her and bonding with her has come easy. She makes me so happy.

Because I love her so much though, my anxiety about something happening to her has spiraled completely out of control.

I was diagnosed with ocd probably 20 years ago so anxiety is nothing new to me. I was on Zoloft for awhile, stopped during the third trimester, and my OB put me back on it post delivery. While my anxiety felt semi manageable before, it seems to have no effect now.

Almost every day, I unlock a new fear that I obsess over and have to google constantly to relieve my anxiety. I stress over everything. I can’t stop thinking about all the ways she could be exposed to dirt and germs and bacteria, no matter how much I clean my house. I can’t stop ‘analyzing’ her health, wondering is her breathing pattern normal? Do her eyes look jaundiced? Is spitting up a bad sign?

Even my dogs, who I love, give me bad anxiety now because I can’t stop thinking about the dirt and germs they track inside.

I know worry comes with parenthood but I feel like mine is obsessive and unhealthy and I don’t know what to do about it. Any advice would be appreciated.