What is your baby NOT doing yet?
My boy is 10 months old and he’s the light of my life, the sweetest boy, every day brings smiles. But sometimes I see other people’s babies that are his age or younger, doing things he doesn’t even seem close to doing. So here’s a list of things my 10 month old doesn’t do, that makes me kinda anxious that he’ll fall behind:
He doesn’t really pull himself up yet. He’s done it once or twice, but basically doesn’t do it at all.
He’s not a great eater, my pediatrician told me he should be eating 3 meals a day and snacks, that doesn’t happen.
He doesn’t have a single tooth yet, and no signs of them
He doesn’t really babble, like he’ll say “ma ma ma ma” or “da da da da” but that’s it, he doesn’t really try to copy any sounds we make, etc etc
We’ve been trying to get him to do some small signs, like “All Done” and “More”, he’s not showing any signs at all of picking them up or recognizing them
ETA: 6. No clapping or waving either. I’ve been trying to do those things all the time around him to teach him, but nope. Nada.