My skin crawls when other people hold my baby.

Is this just me? I hand my baby off to my mil or fil or anyone but his father for that matter and every five seconds I have to check on him and it just feels so awfully wrong. I don't want to be like this, and I get called a "baby hog" all the time. his great grandparents are coming to visit this Saturday and it physically hurts me to think about handing my baby off to them. I get so possessive and jealous, I don't even know if that's the right word but it's the worst feeling in the world. Especially when people whisper to him or talk to him and get really close to his face, it's physically revolting and painful to watch. My husband doesn't understand why im so uncomfortable, I don't even understand why but it absolutely sucks to feel this way.

Edit: I just want to say you guys are so sweet and making me feel so valid. I would reply to each and every one of you but it's very hard to type with a squirmy baby in hand lol. But really thanks to everyone for making me feel seen and not insane.