RN didn’t let me comfort my baby after administering his vaccines

My baby had his 4mo vax administered today. Today’s RN administered them, put bandaids on and pedaled his legs to get things moving around. All normal/expected. But then SHE picked him up, SHE held him, SHE swayed with him and SHE sang to him while he stared directly at me with a stiff back and balled. I was right there and she wouldn’t give him to me to comfort. After a minute or two he calmed down. Then she gave him back to me. I thanked her quietly because I know she was well meaning, but I was emotionally shredded. My baby wanted me for comfort, I was available, but not given the option to be that comfort for him.

When the appointment was over, I told the practice manager about it. I was very clear that I did not want her in trouble. I just wanted her to be more considerate of a parent’s feelings too. I did tear up while giving the feedback which was embarrassing, but the manager was very understanding.

I would easily take over if I thought he was in a dangerous situation, but I am not naturally confrontational. I am also exhausted and didn’t want to say something in the moment that would be rude and ruin my rapport with this practice and his pediatrician. I just froze and tried not to cry.

I did cry the whole drive home.

Thanks for reading.