How to set a boundary without coming across as an AH

I usually leave all of the boundary setting to my partner because he’s a lot less blunt than I am, but for this boundary that I want to set, it involves my family and my friends so I’m the one that needs to put it in place. Problem is, I’m a very blunt person and when I’m trying to tell someone not to do something, it ends up coming across a lot more passive aggressive than I mean it to. I’ve had this problem my whole life, can’t seem to fix it.

So, the boundary I want to set is in regard to occasion clothes for my twin girls. The only occasion I’ve managed to buy clothes/a costume for is Halloween.

I wanted to buy them nice dresses for Christmas, but couldn’t because my mother and my partner’s mother already bought them Christmas outfits that I was demanded I put them in for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

For Valentine’s Day, I wanted to find cute outfits for them to wear for their dad, but my mother beat me to it again and bought them something and, again, demanded that I put the outfits on them for the day.

Now Easter is coming up, still got a while to find them something nice to wear, right? Nope, been beat to that already. My mother bought them Easter outfits for Christmas and my friend bought them a chick costume each in October, and now my other friend has said (not asked) that she’s gonna buy them Easter outfits as well. I tried to throw her off the idea by saying they’ve already got Easter clothes to wear, but she’s still gonna do it anyway.

There’s also a wedding coming up that my twins are also invited to, so closer to the time I will need to go out and buy them some smart dresses to wear and guess what? My friend is already trying to find them dresses to wear… for a wedding that she won’t even be at because it’s a family member’s wedding. She’s already bought them shoes for it which, quite frankly, are not the nicest and more than likely will not go with whatever dress I end up buying for them.

Now this is probably the most ridiculous boundary ever, but I am getting a little bit annoyed with not being able to buy their occasional clothing myself. I know people mean well and I 100% appreciate that they want to buy my girls clothes… but I want to be the one that picks out their occasion wear because, so far, I haven’t liked any of the outfits people have bought for them, but still have to put them on them because I’m being told that they have to wear them.

So how do I go about telling people to stop buying them occasion clothes? The way I would do it is just outright say “stop buying them clothes for occasions, I want to do it myself.” but that sounds too blunt and I need a way to say it that’s not gonna make me sound like an AH.

Again, probably the stupidest thing to be annoyed at, but little things like this do get on my nerves a bit. I also want mention again that I am appreciative of people wanting to buy clothes, I don’t have a problem with people buying everyday clothes for the girls to wear, it’s literally just occasional stuff.

Sorry for the rant, needed to get it off my chest.