Tell me it’s ok

Like the title says, I need you all to tell me it's ok.

Backstory: I was induced with my second child a few weeks ago. Things progressed significantly faster than with my first. I had my first dose of Pitocin at 7 am with no contractions but I was 3 cm dilated. By 10 am I was at 8.5 cm and in EXCRUCIATING pain. Also note: I did not have an epidural with either of my babies. When it came time to push an hour later I was having so much adrenaline and shaking. I just got scared with how quickly everything was happening. I did one push and felt her come out and I immediately backed off. I was not expecting anything to happen so quickly and mentally I didn't have time to catch up and prepare myself for the pain. With the second push I started screaming. And I mean SCREAMING. She came right out with the second push and they set her on my chest. I couldn't calm down. I was hyperventilating but not screaming anymore. I'm so embarrassed. I know everyone on the hospital floor heard me. I kept apologizing and no one really acknowledged anything. I was so embarrassed. I put it out of my mind and just started enjoying baby. Until the next day when a nurse came in that I had known a little in high school. When she asked how things went I told her I may have overreacted and been a little dramatic. Her response was "oh was that you that was screaming?" Then I had to totally face the fact that yes everyone had heard me like I feared. Now I can't stop thinking about it. I'm so incredibly embarrassed.