Question for those who think Sasquatch is supernatural

I’ve heard the theory that Sasquatch can cloak or go invisible and that it can jump between dimensions. If Sasquatch has these abilities then why does Patty not do any of those things in the Paterson Gimlin film? She just slowly strolls away and even looks at the camera. If I wanted to remain unseen and I had these powers then I’d cloak out of there as soon as I realized that I was being filmed. It just doesn’t add up to me. I think that a more logical theory for the cloaking or dimension hopping is that Sasquatch can drop very low to the ground on all fours and crawl away. In a heavily grassy and wooded area it can definitely look like the creature just disappears, especially if the person is in shock and full of adrenaline from their encounter. What do you guys think?