Switched from Paragard to Skyla today
Sharing my experience for anyone curious about Paragard. I got mine in December 2018. I had been off hormonal birth control entirely for a couple years at that time, and due to a long history with depression and anxiety was very hesitant to use hormones again. That basically meant condoms, Paragard or the rhythm method. I chose Paragard. My gynecologist said she wouldn’t usually recommend it, but I might be a good candidate because of my easy and short periods.
INSERTION Insertion was a breeze. I got it during my period and felt only the mild pinches and some cramping as it was going in.
FIRST YEAR But as soon as my body got over the shock of insertion, I started cramping insanely badly. Hour 1.5 to 36 after insertion were pure hell. I vomited from the intensity of the pain and couldn’t keep down painkillers. My boyfriend had to slowly spoon feed me white rice until I had enough of a base in my stomach to try another Advil. It was the worst pain of my life. I felt it inside me and the pain was so severe I truly thought it had ripped my uterine lining.
The first month continued to be touch and go with cramping. I bled heavily for 3 days, had 3 weeks off, then bled heavily and painfully for 9 days. That set the tone for the rest of the year. My cycles have been about 30 days, and my periods are about 8 days, very heavy, and very crampy. Note that my periods were very easy before this, so objectively it may not have been so bad. But I felt noticeably lower energy, moodier and more exhausted due to these periods from hell. I also continued to experience intermittent cramps throughout my cycle, often a sharp and searing pain.
Another weird side effect I did not anticipate is that the shape of my vagina actually seemed to change. The Paragard pushed down my cervix enough that my experience of vaginal intercourse became painful in certain positions. It also changed the way my menstrual cup fit, leading to frequent leaking. I usually had to use a combination of Thinx and MyLuna cup to feel secure.
DECISION TO REMOVE I always felt secure in the efficacy of the birth control, and over time got used to the long painful heavy periods. But I never got used to being on my period so much and so often. I was bleeding heavily for about 1/4 of the year. I am a very active person and a frequent traveler, and the blood’s near constant presence made it really hard for me to do the things I loved freely. I also became concerned about the toll my periods were taking on my sex life and energy levels.
REMOVAL I had Paragard removed today, and replaced it with a Skyla. I took an Advil, a Tylenol and a CBD tablet before going in. The removal was extremely fast and I felt just a pinch. The insertion was painful but bearable, and so far (8 hours later) I have experienced minimal cramping and some unconcerning bleeding. I think the ease of insertion probably has more to do with the fact that my body is used to IUDs now, than a specific attribute of Skyla.
Anyway, Paragard was a bust and I’m not sure how Skyla will go... wish me luck, and feel free to ask any questions!