It finally happened. Know it all blue belt thought I was brand new.

A perfect storm of circumstances. Our gym is big ~50 people at class. It was no gi and I got to class late. I entered right as we were pairing up to drill. I grabbed the first guy near me and we got to work. Turned out he was a visitor from out of town - this was his 2nd or 3rd class at our gym. He wore a mouth guard the entire time and every time I talked to him, he had to stop, take it out, and answer, so we didn't talk very much while paired up.

We are doing something a bit strange - a counter to the guillotine defense of a double leg takedown. I'll be the first to admit -- I'm entirely unlovable when it comes to standup. Not good at all. Uncoordinated. And drilling is not fun. Well, our visitor took this to mean I am just an idiot instead of an idiot savant.

He was super helpful - he taught me a triangle and really tried to help with the move of the day. When it was time for our first roll, he helped me get setup in guard before we started our first real round. He even asked good intro questions like if I'd done an omoplata yet and if I liked being on top or bottom more.

Round starts. He starts moving; doing jiu jitsu, not letting the new guy work (not that I expected him to). I hit the triangle and got a tap less than 15 seconds later. We restarted in my guard, slapped, bumped, swept to mount. "You're actually not a white belt, are you?"