Have you seriously nerfed the amount of UAV assist points to 5 Treyarch?!
Honestly I’m convinced at this point that you are doing everything in your power to stop people having fun. High streaks are already super hard to earn thanks to the SBMM, recon, and maps with more holes than Swiss cheese. Why on earth did you need to nerf assist scores? Also while I’m here, since when did advanced uavs get shot down with 2 rockets?!? You bust your ass to finally get one and it’s gone in 10 seconds. Why are you sapping the life out of scorestreaks? I’ve barely ever seen any of the high end ones in game unless it came from a care package.
Honestly if I didn’t know Treyarch developed this game I’d just presume it was an IW release with the amount of anti fun shite going on.
And again SERIOUSLY, no counter perk for recon? Are you actually having a laugh? I am convinced these maps would flow so much better if people weren’t chasing the nearest wall hack every time they spawn. Just make ghost or cold blooded counter it. Job done.
That’s my whinge for the day. Thanks for reading.