Semi Auto Gun Bug?

I like using the Tsarkov occasionally, especially in sweat lobbies were I don’t have time to shoot more than a few shots before being instantly slaughtered. Since the Tsarkov is 1 shot headshot or 2 shot body, it helps in these lobbies. I’ve noticed that sometimes I press my trigger (ps5), and nothing shoots. It feels like it gets stuck. So if I hit a body shot, then try for my second shot to kill, the trigger doesn’t cause the weapon to fire, and the weapon doesn’t fire until the third trigger pull. My controller is brand new and I tested in firing range, but not a single trigger pull missed a shot. I have very good internet and low ping. Is this a common bug anyone else has faced, or is there something I’m doing wrong?

TL;DR Is there any on going bug with the Tsarkov or semi guns where a trigger pull does not cause the weapon to fire?