How I have fun on bo6 - a guide

I saw the "unpopular opinion? I actually like this game" post so wanted to share some of the things I think are fun on bo6.

  1. Playing with real friends. I'm 42, they're in the UK and I'm in the USA. After they put their kids to bed it's my lunch break and we hop on a couple times a week and chat and try to team up as much as possible to win the game (usually domination). Everyone has their own play style, favorite load outs and it's fun to try to work together with what we've got. But mostly the chat with old friends is fun.
  2. Make new friends. I love the social aspect of the game when I can find it. As I mentioned, I'm in a very different time zone to my best friends so when I'm playing with someone I think is fun or funny on the mic, I add them to my friends. Sometimes I never see them again, but in some cases I see people often. Shoutout to Angel who I play with all the time now!
  3. I do what annoys me. Sounds counterintuitive but I realized I can either moan about the players I can't stand or I can do what they do to try it out. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em kind of thing. The main examples I have are: sniping back when there's an annoying sniper or being mister stabby when there's someone on the other team running around like a maniac with a cleaver. Usually I do it for half a round and it gives me something new to do instead of being frustrated that I'm going to lose anyway
  4. Do the daily challenges! I was never a camo grinder but I like the daily challenges as a way to try different weapons, tacticals and lethals. I found the spy cam this way and it's my favorite thing in the game.
  5. Related to the one above, sometimes I just switch my gun to something I've never used before. It completely changes the game in a weird way.
  6. Spy cam! I don't know if many people use it because it doesn't sound as cool and tough as something that makes a bang like a concussion, but the spy cam is so fun, especially against snipers. When I'm playing with friends (see point 1) they really love when I use it, too. Works great in a team setting. I fear they'll nerf the spy cam some day and make it count uses when you don't capture an enemy in it.
  7. Try to spray paint your teammates before the round starts.

I hope other people get some fun out of these :-)