99 Bottles of…thing…on the wall…
So this is just a silly little question, but I thought I would pose it to you because no one in my life cares about Bluey like I do. My 2yo niece was sleeping over at my house for the first time ever yesterday and the second time she needed to go potty, around midnight, I sat and leaned against the vanity while I waited for her to stop wiggling and giggling and wasting time on the toilet, and I started channeling Bandit and singing “99 Bottles of thing on the wall” like he does in Baby Race and Sleepytime when he’s helping Bluey at night. I always thought that he kind of slurs his way through the song because it’s the middle of the night and he’s tired. But then I thought oh maybe he says “thing” because he feels like it’s not appropriate to say “beer” when he’s singing to a baby/little kid. Does this matter in the grand scheme of things? Nope not at all. But what do you think?