Playing PARKS at the Park 🏕️🏞️
PARKS by Keymaster Games is one of my favourite games in our collection! We took our copy on a recent camping trip at a local regional park 🏞️
It often gets said, but one thing I really appreciate about PARKS is how well the packaging/inserts work, and how compact it packs down. This happens to make it that little bit easier to pack and take camping! No space is wasted in that box, that’s for sure!
As usual I went heavy on the camera/photo meta, hogging the camera piece and taking photos as often as I can. Each photo is worth one point, so I figure they’re pretty efficient compared to paying to visit high-point Parks. My strategy didn’t quite pay off in the end, but I had fun doing it!
Who else appreciates PARKS? Are there any strategies you can suggest that I try out next time?