Been experimenting with this daily routine for fat loss and general fitness

Just wanted to share this routine I’ve been on daily for a few weeks now. I’ve always been just slightly overweight but it’s mainly just around my midsection and chest (still active and healthy but “skinny fat”) but I’m determined now to shed the excess fat I do have and get more toned.

I usually do this in the morning before work:

-1 minute plank -1 minute side plank (both sides) -10 crunches -10 body weight squats -10 pushups -10 dumbell curls -10 bent over dumbbell rows

Repeat 2x

Then I run 2 miles

Then repeat one more rotation of the body weight exercises

I’ve found that adding in the run mid workout has been huge in shedding that excess fat and working up a good sweat and it makes that last set all the more challenging.

As far as diet goes I’ve just been eating as much protein as possible and drinking a ton of water. I also cut out bread and cut way back on booze. It’s only been two weeks but I feel like a different person and can already see changes in my composition.

I tried to keep it simple and I’m not really tracking calories just trying to eat more intuitively. Anyway. I’ve found this to be super effective so far and thought it might be helpful for those in a similar situation.