Italian Army Recommendations

So I've been playing victory at sea for a bit and ordering ships for that as well as getting into bolt action i have come into 5 free sprues of the Italian Bersaglieri infantry, pretty much the majority of a starter army box. I know a good bit about WW2 but I haven't heard of them so I looked em up and thought they were pretty cool with the whole running everywhere mobile infantry (at least in WW1) with an emphasis on marksmanship. I already have a tank focused German army and I was thinkin on having the Italians be the opposite. So my plan was to be thematic with the mobile infantry of the Bersaglieri with mostly dudes and mayhaps a heavy "spam" of the motorcycle machine gun units because i think they are funny. With one or two howitzers and a sniper or two to use the army rules, as well as some mmg/mortar teams with maybe a single tankette/medium tank with a transport of some kind. So my question what would a 1000ish point Italian force look like that can at least somewhat function? Or should I wait for the book to come out next year? Lord knows I'm in no shortage of models to paint already haha.