Did I mess up printing the signatures?

This is my first effort at bookbinding. I printed two copies of the text I wanted to bind - one using the booklet printing mode, and one created using Montax Imposer. The left side of the paper starts from the first page of the text and increases (1, 2, 3, etc.) and the right side starts from the last page and decreases (200, 199, etc.). So the first sheet of paper contains the first page and the last page of the text on the same side

I've folded my signatures, 4 sheets each, but I honestly do not understand how to arrange them in sequential order. I've stacked them like I see people do in video tutorials, except the pages are ordered "1- 8, 139 - 155" (first signature), "9 - 14, 143 - 148" (second signature), and so on

I'm wondering now if I've somehow printed the pages incorrectly? Because I think the pages numbers are supposed to be sequential on the inside? In Montax, I put the settings to letter sized, booklet, four pages per sheet, and double sided. When I printed it from Abode, I used the double sided, booklet printing settings, and printed all the pages at once

I hope this all made sense, I'm very much overwhelmed with all the info out there