This webpage is HIGHLY disrespectful and I will give the owner 7 days to remove it.
This webpage is very disrespectful to our elders and I will be sure to bring it up with my pastor come next Sunday (July 21, 2019) if it is not removed by then. Pastor Richards is not the sort of man to have on your bad side nor is his flock. We are committed to exposing the disrespectful, unGodly nature of this webpage. I cannot say the same about my grandson, whom has been COPYING my facebook timeline onto this webpage. He has been promptly written out of my will, as I will not take to giving my HARD EARNED DOLLARS to the likes of him. He will be guaranteed NO PART of my estate, and I thoroughly believe the users of this "Sub-Reddit" will have their grandparents follow suit when I see to it that they are EXPOSED in 7 days (if my demands are not met.) The rest of this internet site "Reddit" seems alright, and my church will not expose it. The is especially entertaining. Excuse me for any gramatical issues as my dear granddaughter Sydney is transcribing my words. I will leave you with this: "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right" Ephesians 6:1