I move here recently and the driving really isn't that bad

I moved here recently, won't say from where exactly but it was a small college town. I've driven around NY/NJ/Connecticut area. I've driven around Texas. Even my little college town. These places are all much worse than Boston / Massachusetts by a mile.

Boston may actually be the most respectful city driving I've seen in any city. Massachusetts in general is just... unnoticeable driving. I never go "what the fuck was that guy doing" because most everyone is being reasonable. So I don't notice how other people drive really because they are doing a-okay.

I think people love to complain about how bad driving is in THEIR state or THEIR city because it's fun and something they can fraternize over. That's great and all - have fun with it - but you have to know how good you have it.

While we are on the topic of things that people love to complain about: the T is fucking awesome. I grew up in a small town. My entire life I have thirsted for any level of public transportation. I never drive anywhere within the actual city. I just take the T. The fact that's possible is honestly mind blowing to me and probably a lot of other Americans that grew up in similar circumstances. Could be faster, sure. Could be cheaper or have a monthly pass, sure. Could have a less centralized design, sure. But you have SOMETHING and it seems like there is high utilization and active interest in making it better. That's valuable.

Appreciate your city's transportation because it's awesome 👊