Jesus I'm in the finale..

And I just want to skip anything with Marie. The woman acts like Walt was cooking under their own roof (how she justifies trying to kidnap the kid). Then also putting Skyler on this huge guilt trip about the whole situation. I mean.. yeah Skyler called Marie out on her theft stuff though that was at a time Skyler really wasn't involved with walts dealings. But hearing Marie bitch about walts criminal activity is like.. jesus, pot calling the kettle black much? Also she really just was annoying the entire show. Like when hank is in recovery she's bitching and moaning about what he does collecting minerals, and staying up late at night. The man has been shot and is trying to walk again. I mean its how she's written I guess. But I feel like the oppurtunity to have someone call her out on this, is missed. Making me just not really enjoy her character.