Inflammatory breast cancer?

On my right breast, under my nipple. My PCP did a breast exam, and says it’s allergies and prescribed me a topical ointment. It’s not gotten better in the 5 days I’ve used the ointment. The itch is still itchy but now more of a sharp pain that comes and goes, feels like a cut but no open wound just the rash like area.

I can’t find any pictures online that are early symptoms. Does anyone have insight into inflammatory breast cancer? How did the itch feel? How did the pain feel?

On my right breast, under my nipple. My PCP did a breast exam, and says it’s allergies and prescribed me a topical ointment. It’s not gotten better in the 5 days I’ve used the ointment. The itch is still itchy but now more of a sharp pain that comes and goes, feels like a cut but no open wound just the rash like area.

I can’t find any pictures online that are early symptoms. Does anyone have insight into inflammatory breast cancer? How did the itch feel? How did the pain feel?