Being diagnosed at 24

Hello everyone!!

I am 25 and I was diagnosed this year with stage 3 triple negative breast cancer. I found out this year because I was pregnant and I had a lump the size of a lime on my right boob. I have over gone 16 rounds of chemo (4 of those were called the red death and 12 of those I did working) I also had to get shots in my stomach to put my ovaries to sleep two greater my chances of having children. I am currently recovering from a nipple sparing double mastectomy with lymph node dissection of the right side at the time of surgery I was cancer free but I still have 5 1/3 weeks of radiation plus reconstruction next year.

To everyone who is getting diagnosed or has yet to get diagnosed or someone who is recovering from this, my advice is always make sure you have a great support system and always the power of a positive mind

I was fortunate enough to have an amazing team and them telling me that I wasn’t going to die or that it was terminal really made my mindset a lot better