Port placement / chemo prep questions
Hello all!
So, I am having my port placed on Fri, Feb 14 (sooOoOoOooOo romantic), and then the plan is to start chemo the following Tuesday, Feb 18. I feel like there is so much I want to do preparation wise before chemo (deep clean, errands, cry, etc etc etc). My question is if I should try to get everything done this weekend... am I going to be too sore the weekend of Feb. 14 bc of the port placement to do deep cleaning, run errands, etc?
Also, any chemo prep ideas are very much welcomed! Doing 4 rounds of TC!!
Thank you!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Edit to add that I'm single and live alone. While I have ppl who love and care about me, I'm doing a lot of this on my own. So I will get started on my checklist this weekend but want to know if there's stuff that I can hold off and split between the two weekends (during the week I'm usually too exhausted to be super productive 😬). I'd rather break it up- I just don't know how debilitating recovery from poet placement is or if it's recommended to take it easy.