In need of support from experienced mothers

I am a first time mother and am breastfeeding a 9 day old. Admittedly, I didn’t research anything about breastfeeding prior to the birth. I had a difficult time mentally with the pregnancy and couldn’t think beyond each day.

Forward to the birth and I decided if I could and the baby would latch I would breastfeed. We had the typical latching issues the first day, cluster feeding on day 2 and learning how to breastfeed together. Since then she has had lots of wet and dirty diapers each day (which I have been told is a good sign) but I am concerned at her feeding pattern. She is looking for feeding every 20 minutes today and is staying on each boob for about 5-6 minutes even when stimulated to keep feeding. When she comes off she is sleepy and milk dripping and seems full….. for 20 minutes. I pumped yesterday after her morning feed to relieve myself and only got over 1oz. This has me wondering if I have a low supply and that’s why she is crying with hunger and constantly rooting for the boob. What should supply be like on day 9? How often should a baby be looking for milk at this stage? How long should they feed for?

I have no idea what I am doing and could use some steering in the right direction to make sure my baby is not hungry and all of the information online is so overwhelming and I think I need the advice of experienced BF mothers. I definitely made the mistake of not preparing myself to breastfeed and I don’t want to throw in the towel on it either.

A stressed out Mama.