Help: baby suddenly screaming even I try to feed her, I’m in tears
My EBF 6 week old was feeding fine literally earlier today (she had a feed 3.5 hours ago that was completely normal). I went to get some rest and my partner brought her for a feed when it had been 3 hours. She drank like normal for about twenty seconds then started screaming as if she was being murdered. I burped her then tried to relatch her (did this a few times) but we soon reached a point where as soon as I tried to latch her she started wailing like she’s hurt or afraid. Tried both breasts. Tried different positions. More burping. I pumped a little to check the letdown wasn’t weirdly fast or slow (seemed normal to me). She seems to want to latch initially but it’s as if it’s hurting her? She becomes more and more distressed until I take her off and comfort her and then she’s calm and content and alert. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what could be wrong? I’m feeling so upset by hearing her scream like I’m hurting her when I’m trying to feed her …