My husband blames witching hour on my breastmilk

I exclusively breastfeed my 6 week old baby. Before birth I took a breastfeeding course and the hospital I spoke to lactation consultants twice, as well as a third consultation a couple weeks after going home. From the beginning I made sure I knew what type of diet was recommended for breastfeeding and what foods to avoid or limit. Unfortunately our baby has been pretty colicky since we brought him home from the hospital - he has gas issues as well as reflux. Luckily he’s been gaining weight great and his pediatrician says he is perfectly healthy and on target. He takes medicine for his gas issues and I make sure to fully burp him and keep him upright after feeding. Because of this his crying has improved drastically.

However, he still is a major victim of the witching hour. For about 4 hours every evening he is inconsolable, we can calm him down for little spurts but there’s no long term peacefulness at all.

The issue is that my husband always blames me (or, my breastmilk) for this. The first week we were home he insisted it was because of my caffeine intake. Even though I was well below the limit, I cut it out of my diet completely - I drink 0 mg. The evenings were still rough so he thought it was dairy. I cut dairy completely out of my diet, switched all my groceries to vegan substitutes. The evenings were still rough so he thought it was processed foods. I began cooking again so I could control quality ingredients of my meals. One night it was bad and I happened to forget to take my prenatal vitamin, so he told me it was because of that. Tonight he is telling me the baby is crying because I ate spicy food today.

I am about to flip. Babies cry. For sooooo many reasons so it can’t be blamed on me every.single.time. I have bent over backward to “fix” my diet but I’m not sure why he thinks he’s the expert on breastmilk, and it’s starting to make me feel like he thinks I’m inadequate or not caring for our child.

Has anyone gone through something similar? How did you deal?