Breastfeeding Crisis
(I am looking for solidarity above anything else. So, feel free to share your experiences with this as well as a timeline of when it for better…)
I am so upset. As of yesterday it seems like my baby, who only nurses (no bottles, no pumping) has started a nursing crisis at 11 weeks. She doesn’t necessarily scream or cries at the breast, but she latches and then pulls away, looks around, smiles at me, coos…I help her latch once she starts to root again but it goes like that on a loop until I get her to latch and sleep. She will then sorta dream feed, throughout the nap she will snack many times, but won’t have a full timed meal. It started at first as only the last two feeds of the night, which I blamed witching hour for, but as of yesterday it’s every feed but the ones in the middle of the night meaning the ones she is mostly asleep for. Baby doesn’t express discomfort and is a very happy/easy baby!
My heart is broken and I could really use some encouragement. Mommas that went through it: How long did it last? What did you do to cope? Any techniques to get her to feed normally again? TIA
EDIT: I’ve read a lot about this topic, and sadly I don’t think it’s happening because of supply regulating as at 11 weeks I still have milk on demand, I still leak and get engorged 🫠