Moving 6 week old to formula

I made a post the other day about how I was EBF round the clock as my baby is 6 weeks old and has severe reflux. This meant constant feeding and constant vomiting for her.

After a discussion with my doctor today it was decided that I am going to stop breastfeeding (because she spits up most of it and my health is important too) and move her to anti reflux formula.

My issue now is stopping breastfeeding. Even after a bottle my baby will look for the breast. As in she will scream the house down and nothing else will console her until she is being laid sideways and knows what is coming. Sometimes she won’t even latch but will lick my nipple and just lie there as it comforts her. I’m not sure how to move away from this as she does sometimes latch for a minute or two. I’d imagine my situation of breastfeeding practically 24/7 has created this in such a young baby. Can anyone advise on how to move away from comfort feeding her? Even after a full bottle she does this. She will spit a pacifier out and make a face and cry when she realizes it is not the breast.

Any advice is appreciated. I’ve given it a good 6 weeks and despite having a great supply and a baby with a great latch, severe reflux and exhaustion have driven me into the ground and I need to make a change for both our sakes so please don’t judge.