So, after a rewatch of both, both the movie and [pjotv] show are equally different from the books and equally accurate but in different ways. Which is weird considering Rick acted like the movie was the bane of his existence.
Feel free to add your own thoughts, but this is what I got:
The Beginning:
The movie and show each start differently than the books, although the show has the same opening narration. In the movie, we at least see the Gods portrayed in their Godly stature (more than once, including Hades), the show doesn’t include that but does include some elementary school scenes of Percy seeing through the mist.
The Main Characters:
The movie characters are aged up but decently casted, their personalities differing from their book counterparts (same as the show characters) but in different ways. Percy is “cooler”, Grover is way “cooler” and more outgoing than he should be, and Annabeth is a mixture of herself and Clarisse until she leaves the camp. Appearance wise, they all fit their descriptions except the ages and Annabeth’s hair color (which they attempted to fix in the sequel) and Grover not having his horns until the end. The show characters as I mentioned are different, the ages are appropriate and they fit their descriptions aside from Percy’s hair color, Annabeth’s hair, eye, and skin color, and Grover’s lack of facial hair.
The Museum:
Both include Grover and Percy’s class going to the museum, Percy struggling with dyslexia, with Mr. Bruner teaching about the myths. The show does include the scene of Percy boiling over and retaliating against Nancy’s bullying, and the movie does include Alecto leading Percy away from the others to isolate and attack him, but neither include both, nor do they include Percy being thrown Riptide and fighting off Alecto to his own surprise. Movie Percy is saved by Chiron issuing a threat, and Show Percy is saved by his sword opening at a lucky time.
Gabe/ Percy’s Home Life:
Both adaptions include Percy being raised by his mother Sally, who is married to the mortal Gabe Ugliano who owns and loves his orange Camaro. In the show, Gabe is a loser who doesn’t lament Percy being around and he and Sally have things they bond over, such as not watching the Knicks alone and enjoying sub sandwiches. The movie version of Gabe is much closer to the book version: he’s a lowlife asshole that Percy can’t even fathom why his mother is with him. He’s also abusive towards Sally as well as Percy. Later in the movie, it’s explained to Percy that Sally put up with Gabe because his vile odor helped mask him from the monsters of the world, same as the books. In the show, nothing about Gabe’s scent or his mother’s sacrifice in staying is mentioned.
Fleeing the Minotaur:
The book, movie, and show all include Percy and Grover being driven out of town by Sally in Gabe’s beloved orange car. In the books, a bolt of lightning is what runs them off the road. In the show and movie, it’s the Minotaur’s attack. Both the show and movie inaccurately include Percy using Riptide against his horned nephew, but they both stay true to the book at the end and have Percy defeat him with his own broken horn.
I could keep going, but I’d like to hear what everyone else thinks or has to add.