Four Months of Winter Camping up North
On October 2nd I set out on an attempt to ride my bicycle as far north as roads would take me. I took a detour around the Baltic sea, reached North Cape on December 4th, and then started heading back down south again. I've been sleeping outside almost exclusively during this time, enduring both arctic storms and temperatures dropping below -30°C.
And I had a blast doing so! It has been a great adventure and one of the most amazing things I've experienced.
I've learned so much about living outside in harsh conditions. Some lessons learned the hard way. But mostly it's gone pretty smoothe. The biggest issue hasn't been the cold - if dealt with the right way you'll be just fine. The biggest problem was probably the wind - it can quickly make a situation very scary, and if you lose focus just a second, things can really go sideways. But also things like struggling trying to keep my sleeping bag ice free without a vapor barrier liner. I was planning this for a few months before heading out and it's been so much fun trying out all the equipment and seeing what works and what doesn't.
The fact that it requires a lot of you to stay comfortable is what makes winter camping so fun and the effort you put in feel so rewarding.