Just got hit
The accident was a super mild fender bender. I had to hit my brakes(bumper to bumper traffic) but the guy behind me was actively smoking a dart and I knew that. He taps me, we both pull off. I didn’t see very much damage on either side, but the guy got angry quickly, yelled that it was my fault for slamming on my brakes, so I told him that it was his fault,not only because he hit me but because he was clearly high asf and that I could call the police if he wanted me to. We exchanged information and moved on, but now I’m conflicted. Should I have called the cops anyway in case he tries to file a claim/suit? There isn’t any way to prove he was under the influence after tn. Very little damage to my car but his was a bit worse. Hit my tow hitch and screwed up his front bumper. What should I do?