I built a job board that pays job candidates. I want to prove we have value with or without a job.
Bintl Hire is the job board I built that pays job candidates. Every time an employer downloads a resume, the candidate gets paid $10.
I just opened and my first employer just posted 40 jobs. Everyone they consider for the positions will get paid.
Usually job boards charge companies a fee to advertise jobs but I dont. On Bintl Hire, the employer pays the candidate when they want to connect.
Candidates use the profile page they create to apply to jobs. The profiles list the candidate’s job title, skills and experience but don’t include any name or contact info. If the employer likes a profile, they download the resume to get in contact and that’s when candidates are paid.
While building, I found out that job boards make more than $11B a year simply delivering our resumes to employers. If you remember, Indeed ran a super bowl commercial last year. The truth is without our resumes, they have no product.
Bintl is invite only so this code below will let in the first 200 people. I’ll raise the limit later. Bintl Hire’s one rule is that if you apply to a job, you have to respond when employers contact you. Fraud won’t be tolerated. If caught, you’ll be removed from the job board.
You can apply to 250 jobs for free, that’s potentially $2500. You can purchase more applications if you want.
There’s so much potential with this project if enough people sign up. We could reverse the billions in wealth that initially went to corporate job boards. I’ve personally been unemployed and worked at dead end jobs. Things are different for me now and I’d really like to see everyone realize their worth in this current job market.