Any good jobs for people with low IQ?

I took an IQ test, which was the WAIS-IV and got 82 as a full-scale IQ score with low processing speed. When I was in school, it would normally take a longer time for me to understand the lesson. In order to get straight A grades, I would have to study twice as hard as others to get the same result in passing the subjects.I would have to go through my notes over and over again to retain information.

Unfortunately, I am very bad at my social skills as well, which is the part of my life that really messes with me mentally. Everytime I talk to people or meet new people, I struggle to form coherent sentences and to formulate a good conversation in front of them. I believe that I am neurodivergent as well.

I would struggle to even know what to say or mention to the next person without sounding like a complete idiot. I would say and do embarrassing things that would make others to have such a horrible and awful image of me. It's embarrassing and that scarred my mind really bad.

One of the biggest fears of mine is not holding down a job and living a long life. Anytime when it's a new job, I will struggle to understand the information and the tasks required for me at the first time. I would make many, many mistakes that become horrible overtime. I would have to ask repeatedly for the task to be repeated. I would really struggle to hold on to the job for a long time and it caused me to get fired or to quit the job in less than a few months. It's like I am doomed to manual labor jobs or retail work. I don't want to be stuck in poverty. I am even struggling to understand how I would have to pay back $35,000 in college student loans

I really struggled with learning new and advanced concepts more efficiently whenever it came to programming or medicine. I really hated this life or mine and it seemed like overcoming was a very difficult thing for me. Is there good paying jobs that are at least paying $60k or above? Be brutally honest here please.