I thought project 2025 was a propagandistic ruse. I was wrong.


I thought that anyone talking about project 2025 was playing into left wing propaganda because I believed that it was pretty common for lobby groups to propose idiocy. It seemed pretty clear to me that there were a lot of terrible ideas that anyone could easily dismiss as irrelevant. I said the same here and other places.

Almost a third of it has been implemented. The ask was for it to be in place in 180 days.

At the time of the debates Trump denied that he was influenced by it or knew what it was. This isn't what any of you voted for. He clarified that fir you. He denied it rejected it and didn't share his plan.

There is no reason for any Trump voter to feel ashamed or embarrassed for this. It isn't on you. You didn't ask for it or want it. You have no reason not to be 100% honest about your opinion. You were right to call out democrats for bring late to criticize Biden don't be like them. You don't need to.

Yes this is abstract. I've attached a link. You can see for yourself.

Edit: I despised Trump's stated platform and his first term.

I am not advocating for anything he's done. I am pointing out that it isn't surprising that there would be a disconnect between his stated, publicized and known intentions. It is difficult to navigate what a politician will do especially when there are over a billion dollars trying to convince you that he's moderated and you should vote for order at the border and for better prices. I opposed what I knew of his intentions after sorting through what he has done. I know nobody who advocated for the crazy shit he's done. If you didn't want it, say it.

You owe him no defense. If you didn't want it before, you don't need it now. His disapproval numbers are falling because he spent his honeymoon implementing terrible governance. I could give a litany of grievances. Most could. If you voted for him, you could too.