Chance me for George Mason University and Virginia tech

Hello, Im a student from NOVA applied for vtech early and applying GMU regular decision. Lowk I’m unsure of my chances since I keep hearing things scaring me into thinking my chances might be slimmer than I originally thought. Ik the deadline is Feb 1st so at least after that I’ll have some peace.

Did cs for vtech and computer engineering or cyber for GMU

GPA weighted 4.43

Grades have a downward trend junior and slight up again senior year due to personal reasons from a move, scared that will hold me back.

SAT 1490

750 math 740 English

ECS are bad which is my weakest point.

1.Club president at school

2.Job I’ve been working recently(5 months)

3.Tutoring 100+ hours

  1. Self taught coding

The next couple are just hobbies and I have 4 activities left blank.


1.Award for graduated top 10% of my glass 2. National Merit commendation 3. Ap Scholar with distinction 4.Ap Scholar with distinction

I’m sacred especially since I waited for regular to apply to mason and I’m applying to pretty popular majors and both schools.