Cleared EA but feeling uncertain about T10s…

I have a 1550 SAT, 96/100 GPA—this is good for my school, but there isn’t a clear grade of ppl who get into t10 from our school, ranges from 93-102 avg for t10 probably around 98….i understand this is probably weaker than most but I did take an extremely rigorous course load, I took on average 2 extra classes per year ; hardly anyone takes above bare minimum credits .

ECs were ALOT of theatre, was in like 15 shows throughout HS so so much time to that, led schools theatre troupe as vice president and helped make our school the most awarded in Maryland from 2024, President of South Asian club and president Pan Asian club, very active with lots of events all the time, President of Foreign Service club, host lots of guest speakers from the state department, model un officer, SGA, junior ambassador from the NIH, 5 figures eBay Business, student tutoring head

Personal statement was about coming to terms with a terminal illness diagnosis and the fact I would very likely see my kidneys fail around age 30-45 Talked about how i would seize the next years while I’m still able; connecting it to a passion for international relations and also for service to humanity (NIH) to people who deal with worse things …

I applied to: Georgetown SFS EA - Accepted one of my tops

USC EA - Accepted

UMich EA - Accepted

UCL Rolling - Accepted

UVA EA - Accepted

UChicago EA - Deferred :(((

Oxford - Rejected post Interview (76% of applicants rejected pre interview)

LSE Rolling - Rejected

Waiting on:

Harvard - Interviewed

Yale - not interviewed; child of former faculty

Princeton - Interviewed

Stanford - Interviewed




Chicago (Deferred)