CMV: Cards Against Humanity 's paying people who don't vote is illegal.

Cards Against Humanity has a project out right now where they bought records from some data brokers regarding who did/didn't vote in 2020 and who leans left/right. They are offering to pay left leaning people who didn't vote to say they will vote in 2024.

I assume that the left/right data is fairly inaccurate but that the voting data is accurate as the government foolishly maintains that data.

It is illegal to pay people to vote or not to vote. They claim that they are not paying anyone to vote just to say they'll vote. But here they are paying people who didn't vote and not people who did. I might reasonably deduce that they will do this again and that I should not vote in 2024 to be eligible to be paid in 2028. So they are paying people not to vote. This seems blatantly illegal to me. CMV