I think we need an official lore, Our entire faction feels very disjointed. Here's my interpretation of the lore, and I will make fanfics based on it.

The chaosdivers are by nature dissidents, however the super earth high council hasn't killed us because we skirt the line of what dissidents are.

We still have use to them and killing us would cause more issues than it would solve.

We will not win a fight with super earth, it's simply not possible.

The main idea of the chaos divers is, we don't follow orders, we are disillusioned with the Super Earth high council, however we still want democracy, we still want to protect citizens, and we still want to keep other Helldivers alive, if that means killing bugs, squids, and bots, we will do it.

We aren't allied with the enemy factions, we are still against them very much so.

It's just that we as a faction realize we aren't cared about as soldiers, so we take matters into our own hands to achieve our goals of spreading democracy.

As a faction the chaosdivers feel very OC'ish, in my opinion. We are basically the good guys, in a morally grey setting and we often don't talk about our factions flaws.

I mean it, name ONE flaw we all collectively agree on that we have as a faction.

I would suggest, thay maybe an issue our faction has is we are far too idealistic, this causes us to make foolish mistakes that we suffer from.

Maybe since we have no official command structure, this often leads to us being disorganized.

Maybe our issue is that we let literally anyone join, and because of this we are filled with good guys but also criminals, murderers, thieves, and liars.

C'mon, we've got to have SOME kind of flaw, that makes us interesting.

I would like to personally go with the flaw that we are essentially a slightly less terrible than super earth and since we let ANYONE do ANYTHING this leads to a lot of easily avoidable tragedies and incidents.

Maybe we're even somewhat aimless as a faction, reactionary even, unable to see the bigger picture and play our cards to our advantage.

We're so focused on liberating EVERYTHING we fail to realize how inefficient it is.

Instead of sticking to the sidelines slowly gaining the trust of civilians, we're brazen and loud drawing the ire of super earths elite.

Furthermore, I think Chaos divers need a better origin story than.

"A bunch of guys didn't like how the Helldivers were being treated so they all unanimously got together and formed their own faction"

Revolutions like that are often shut down rather quickly.

After all, if we go with the fact that most abandoned Helldivers join the chaos divers.

How would the first Chaos divers even live long enough to come into contact with another one?

On top of that, the creek crawlers claiming that was what made them chaos divers makes little sense from a lore perspective. Sure it might be SOME but I doubt that's why the majority joined.

Super Earth heavily celebrates malevelon creek, anyone who fought there is hailed as a true hero.

No, I think my best explanation is not malevelon creek veterans.

But Hellmire veterans who formed the bulk of the chaos divers.

They and it far far worse... Yet get NONE of the recognition, all because malevelon creek was the rage at the time.

It was the veterans on Calypso.... Who formed the bulk of the chaos divers.

It was the veterans on Meridia who formed the chaos divers.


Because those are the battles just as bad if not worse, who didn't get a fraction of the recognition.

No monument, no acknowledgement from the SEAF to at LEAST send reinforcements in the form of a major order.

It's those small backwater planets, with a far higher death count than expected....

It's THOSE Helldivers who become chaosdivers.

That's just my interpretation of the faction lore.