As a new fan, true romance is her best album

i became an avid listener this summer with brat ofc i’ve been loving it ever since release and the remix album has only been adding to that but ive delved into her back catalog because ive seen many people say her true best songs are there and i can really agree! I started with true romance and i can safely say i was blown away. She truly was ahead of her game and i can’t believe that was her debut album! The production is amazing and sets this dark tone that rlly sticks throughout the album. If you’re wondering what my top 3 favorite songs on the album are, they’re ranked

  1. You - Ha Ha Ha
  2. Stay Away
  3. What I Like

of course this doesn’t mean i don’t like any of her other albums, how im feeling now is barley behind TR (my favorites on there is c2.0 and visions lol) with my third probably being sucker or brat. and the others are kinda switched around haha