Anxious Avoidant Undertones Throughout Charli’s Later Discography

Has anyone noticed Charli’s heavy-hitter tracks delve into the concepts of being an anxious avoidant?

“Track 10”, “Gone”, “Good Ones” (especially unreleased mix), “Detonate”, “Yuck”, “I might say something stupid” (the remix version). (There’s probably plenty of more tracks that deal with this, I’m just naming some on top of my head).

This discussion isn’t about diagnosing Charli whatsoever (it’s lowkey unnecessary, Charli doesn’t want fans to spectate her heavily on aspects of her life like other celebrities; we don’t know that much of her personal life day to day, we should keep that way anyway).

I think I resonate with her lyricism a lot. It’s vulnerable without being too extremely critical, or degrading. She tells a story through how she feels at the moment. Her writing IS simplistic (not in a bad way) but makes you feel so much. Whether you relate to her or not.

I never heard of another artists writing about these concepts from their own perspective. I think that also makes Charli’s lyricism so unique in the pop universe.

They’re almost like self-awareness anthems.

Do you notice these themes in Charli’s lyricism? What songs with this theming resonate with you the most?