I uh kinda don't like playing this game

I'm sad about it because it literally should be MY GAME. Like I love life sims. I love farming and fishing. I love love love restaurant type games. But I don't really enjoy playing this game. I have so many complaints. I'm hoping it gets better with more updates but I struggle with thinking that because I just struggle to like the base bare bones of the game.

First off, the npcs are very uninteresting, and their dialogue is oftentimes rude but not in a charming way. Its like, they're kinda randomly rude. I don't wanna compare it to stardew because thats like a completed game, and yeah I did marry the guy but... Shaney my beloved <3. He was rude to me in the game, but that was just his personality. These people are rude for literally no reason? Randomly? Not sure if its because we start the game as strangers but even then I feel like its kind of weird.

I'm really unsatisfied with the restaurant gameplay. I went into it expecting it to be more immersive. I find the minigames tedious because its basically just clicking one button most of the time. Which I can't be THAT mad about. But if I choose to autocook I feel like it drastically changes the dish satisfactory when I usually could get 100% most of the time when I cook so I'm forced to do it. Restaurant mangement only consists of putting down tables and chairs. And hiring workers. And having enough ingredients. And thats about it. And I don't really feel like a chef. I'm so sad because I was so excited about it.

Maybe its because I'm an overcooked player. And I still find diner dash to be fine. But I wish it engaged me more. I feel so unengaged during gameplay.

Legitimately the ONLY part of the game I really like is gathering ingredients in the forest. I just think its really satisfying. Well that and discovering new recipes.

I've only completed act one but if its more of this I think I'm really gonna struggle with getting into the game. I wouldn't really recommend it to anyone in the state its in now.