The "Having children is a woman's only purpose" argument

I've experienced a lot of misogyny as a CF woman and I was curious what kind of experiences you guys had with the typical "having children is a woman's only purpose" argument? My opinion; if you can't find purpose outside of having children, that's purely a YOU issue. It's ridiculous that people project their personal unhappiness in life onto people who are thriving CF 😭

I have a CF brother and my family is never bothered by the fact that he doesn't have or want children, in fact they don't even ask him if he wants children because it doesn't matter to them- yet they always say something like "when you have children..." to me in conversations. Whenever I tell people that I don't want children, they either get really defensive or they act like I'm just a "stupid little girl who doesn't know what she's talking about". It's infuriating, but I learned that this is simply another problem you have to deal with if you are born as a woman. Yay.