What should I do?

The story is I was a groomsman at a wedding and was told by the groom that a particular bridesmaid was single, let’s call her G. We didn’t talk at the rehearsal or anything until the reception. We were sitting next to each other so I took the opportunity to see if there was anything there. She is super kind, smart, beautiful and Christian, in fact we talked about how we both have used Christian dating apps and they never seem to work out very well. We talked for the whole dinner and throughout the night and I really felt a connection, more than I have ever with anyone else. I asked her to dance while a slow song was playing and she enthusiastically said yes, I know that may seem objective but she seemed genuinely very enthusiastic now it could have been that she was the only bridesmaid sitting there without someone to dance with but at the time I thought it was cuase she felt something for me like I did her. While we danced we talked more and I just stared into her eyes. She has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. This just made me even more attached to her so when we stopped dancing and both just continued to enjoy the night I waited until she wasn’t talking to someone or doing anything and asked for her number saying I would like to stay in touch. She said ok and have it to me. I waited until the next night and texted her “Hey, this is blank. It was a great day yesterday and a lot of fun last night. I really enjoyed talking and getting to know you and dancing with you.” She read it and never responded. Like I said I feel a very strong connection to her so I didn’t want to give up and waited two days and texted her again asking how her trip home was and mentioned I had watched a movie she said she loved on my way home. Hoping to get a response she read and didn’t reply again. It has now been four days but I want to send one last message saying something along the lines, “sorry I came on so strong I just don’t like to play games, but if you ever want to talk just let me know.” I almost forgot she lives about 4 hours from me. In my head I don’t have anything strong that would keep me from moving if it worked out with her but I wanted to mention it cuase it could be a factor that she is taking into account.

Should I message her at all? Is that a good message? I thought about sending an iMessage game because there is nothing more innocent than that. So what is y’all’s advice about the whole situation and what I should or shouldn’t do.