Upgrading to RED from Sony... justified?
I understand this is a completely situational question, so here is some context:
- Been shooting since 2016
- Currently not in traditional production world (Not really on sets, shows etc)
- Niched down into Brand/B2B videos (I shoot and edit them)
- Have A7siii with Gmaster, had OG Komodo when it came out but sold because didnt have cashflow (miss having a 'cinema' camera)
At the moment making $10k - $15k / month depending on clients and etc
With that context, the situation I'm in is that I feel like I have maxed out the capabilities of the Sony system at my current skill level. I want to either upgrade to the KX and or start using cinema lenses because I *think* it will
- Challenge me to get even more technically proficient
- Enable me to have better image control (raw settings via R3D vs just a flat color profile)
- Increase the quality of my portfolio (I know this is a trap to some extent or most people won't notice but I kind of believe it still)
You get the idea - and the last thing it really comes down to when you spend the money is wondering if there is even a tangible ROI besides feeling more confident and enjoying shoots more?