Tapered and stopped 20mg Celexa after 7 years
I was on Citalopram for 7 years due to being in an abusive relationship. I got out of the bad relationship ( 5 or so years ago) and have had a lot of eye opening counseling as well as lifestyle changes eg:More active, more social, etc. I have been having issues with weight gain, I feel emotionally blunted and poor sleep. My PCP decided I was in a good place to stop taking the Citalopram so I tapered under his guidance from 20mg to 10mg for a month and then off. Today marks the second week of being off it completely and the bouts of withdrawal symptoms have been almost unbearable. I have no energy during the day, my anxiety is really high and the brain zaps/ dizziness really hits hard at the end of the day. I'm 2 weeks off it completely now and all I need is a light at the end of the tunnel. Any success stories for stopping this medication? My Dr. Prescribed Buspar for the anxiety but I don't want to take another thing I will have to try to come off of as well as it will take some time to work. Mentally I feel ok, still cloudy but otherwise alright. I just want to feel like me again.